Hello there! This post is kinda special, so I hope it inspires you, since this post was requested!
Today I want to tell you something about blogging & photography. Please note, that I'm not a professional, this is just my opinion and you don't need to share it, you can have your own.
I tend to visit a bunch of blogs daily. I love reading them and I really like when a blog has a nice design. But then it comes to photos. Sometimes a hate this part. Some bloggers use their phones to take pictures for their blog. Don't do that. This is the worst thing you can do. Also, don't think that you need the best DSLR camera on the market. That is absolutely not true! If you know how to take pictures, you're good-to-go with any digital camera!
When I started blogging, I used my 18mpx video camera to take pictures. Then, a while ago, I finally got my Canon Rebel T3 DSLR Camera.
This is really important - in case you just don't know how to take pictures (you don't need to be a professional, though), whether you have a high quality camera or not, the pics won't look good. Before you want to buy any expensive camera, do a research and make sure that you know how to work with it.
Stay away from:
- photos downloaded from Google (this is boring, especially the stock photos)
- photos taken with your phone
- taking photos towards light
Don't use flash as long as you don't have to. Try taking pictures during the day and use natural light. Also, find a nice background.
In case you don't have a DSLR camera or your camera doesn't do that blurry effect in the background, use a photo editor instead. Make sure it looks natural, though.
Try different angles. It can look really good, especially when taking a picture of a bigger product (shampoo). The final picture looks a lot different and better. Feel free to experiment.
This is how you shouldn't take a picture - the main products is out of focus and there's way too much space between the camera & the product.
Also, there's a long distance between the product and the background, which doesn't always look good.
Here you can see the difference between using a flash and using a studio light.
I prefer using a studio light since it looks a lot natural.
The flash tends to change the original colors. I don't always use the studio light! I only use it when I take pictures during the night or the weather is foggy and it's dark outside.
Stay away from out-of-focus pictures! I always feel like I'm drunk when I see out-of-focus pictures.
Almost all cameras have a macro option, so use that.
Make sure to try taking more pictures as well, and choose the best one.
My favorite part - editing the picture!
When it comes to editing, it doesn't mean that you're a bad photographer and you have to edit your pictures if you want them to look good. That's not true. Even the best photographers edit their pics.
I love playing around with pictures and I use many many softwares.
The most used is probably Photoshop. I have been using this software for 5 years now. This is more of a professional software - in case you just want to crop your photo, lighten it or add a filter, try something easier to use.
When taking pictures of swatches, stay away from filters. People want to see the non-edited version of that.
However, when it comes to filters and stuff, I like using the vintage ones. I adore vintage photos!
You don't need to agree with me, these are just my tips and opinions. The main point is to have fun and experiment a lot!!!
xoxo, R