Hey there, sweethearts! Look what I got in a mail today (finally) - my new MAC brush!
I was really happy since the mail was kinda late this time, but whatever. Some of you asked me to do a review. I think it's kinda soon for that so I'm here with a 'first thoughts' post.
The brush Šteis super soft (oh my, it's almost unbelievable) and it works just amazing (I've used it once so far but I cleaned it because of the pictures)!
On the website it says that it should be used for blending face powder or pigments but I think it should be definitely used for blending your foundation. At least that's what I'll use it for.
Many people say that this brush sheds. The bristles are very soft and I haven't had any shedding at all. As you cal tell, the price is pretty high but it also pays for itself because of its qualities.
The brush gives you pretty much flawless application! The brush might be a little bit big for some areas such as corners of your nose.
I wouldn't (and I will not) use the brush to apply cream products since it's not really stiff.
I'm sorry for the quality of this picture!
I've also read that some people use this brush to apply their powder or bronzer!
Package quality: 90%
Rating: 95%
Price: 42$
100% would buy again
I hope you liked this post. I'll see you all very soon.
Thank you for more than 10, 000 views!
xoxo, R
.Ahojte zlatíčka! Pozrite sa čo mi dnes prišlo poštou (konečne) - môj nový MAC štetec! Bola som naozaj rada keďže balík troška meškal, no už je to jedno. Niektorí chceli, aby som urobila review. Ja si osobne myslím že na toto je ešte skoro, takže skôr som tu so svojími prvými pocitmi.
Štetec je super jemný (skoro sa tomu nedá uveriť) a pracuje úžasne (už som ho raz použila no očistila som ho kvôli fotkám)! Na MAC stránke sa píše, že stetec by mal byť na púder alebo pigment no myslím si že by sa to malo používať skôr na tekutý makeup. Aspoň na to ho budem používať ja. Veľa ľudí hovorí, že tento štetec plzne. Štetinky sú naozaj jemné a nevšimla som si žiadne plznutie. Ako ste si mohli všimnúť, cena je naozaj vysoká ale taktiež zodpovedá kvalite. Štetec vám bezchyble aplikuje váš makeup. Musím však podotknúť, že štetček môže byť pre niektoré miesta dosť veľký, napriklad na okolie nosa. Štetec by som nepoužila (a nepoužijem) na žiadne krémové produkty keďže nie je dosť tvrdý. Čítala som však že niektorí ho používajú na aplikovanie bronzeru.
Kvalita balenia: 90%
Ohodnotenie: 95%
Cena: 42$
100% by som si ho kúpila znova
Dúfam, že sa vám post páčil a uvidíme sa čoskoro.
Ďakujem vám za viac ako 10, 000 návštev!
xoxo, R
I'm also a make-up junkie and I adore this brush! MAC is a great brand, the quality of the products is very good. It's a good thing that you got it. xxxx
ReplyDeleteI know, right?! Can't wait to purchase another MAC brush! Thanks for the comment. :) xo
Deletehonestly I use the corners to apply my blush or bronzer and it works just amazing. :-)
ReplyDeleteReally? Then I gotta try it! Thank you :) xo