March 1, 2014

"You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep Spring from coming"

Happy March, bitches!
The weather if perfff! I can feel the flavor of spring. That totally means that I need to to an OOTD!

Do you recognize the shirt? If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I did a little DIY. I absolutely love how it turned out.

As you can tell, I went for a skater skirt - again. I'm also wearing my litas look-a-likes. They are cuper comfy!

I don't know if you can tell, but I also re-ombred my hair. I'm working on a "hair update" post as well, so stay tuned.

I hope you like the outfit!

Enjoy your weekend,
xoxo R


  1. mas uzasne vlasy! velmi by som chcela take :/ a super outfit!strasne sa mi paci tvoj styl :)

    1. Ďakujemďakujemďakujem aaaaa ďakujem :) nechci také, som si istá že máš ešte lepšie! :) xo

  2. GOD mat tvoj styl!!!!ty vyzerras jak holka z ameriky Ronnie!

  3. prvá a posledná fotka sú naj! :3 pekná kombinácia :)

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