June 29, 2014

| June Favorites! |

Hello lovelies!
The end of June is here, again! The time is flying by soooo fast! I hope you're finally enjoying your summer break, yikes! 
I have some goodies to share with you! I've been loving them to the moon and back, haha.

I just wanted to mention that I also started working out. Since summer has arrived and I always tend to eat more during this time, I wanted to avoid it and I really don't want to start my whole uni-life with 55kg (oh yes - I got accepted, woohoo!). Currently I'm 51kg and something (1'60 tall) (TMI?).
I'll definitely tell you more about my routine in the next post! I'll show you my fitness routine as well as  some tips and tricks (maybe?), so stay tuned. :)

It looks kinda bright over here, haha! These goodies have been my lifesavers! Let's see them. :)

I'm cheating, I know - I got this lipstick recently, so it shouldn't be mentioned, yet, but - I love it sooo much! Oh my, just look at it, isn't it beautiful? It's a dupe for MAC's Viva Glam III (which I'm running out of), so I'm really glad that I got my hands on it. It's by Astor in the shade Astor Paris.

I also have here my beloved Baby Lips in Hydrate. It's not that moisturizing, thought. 
But it gives you that nice glossy finish which I like. 

Oh yes, I finally own this baby! I feel like every single beauty guru owns this NYC Bronzing Powder. I'm not surprised - it works just fine! I love, that it doesn't give you that "dirty" finish. And it's also matte! Mine is in the shade Sunny.

June 25, 2014

| How To: My Simple 'CatEye' Look |

Howdie :)

Oh well, it's been some time, right? I hope you're all doing great!
Today's post was probably one of my most requested! You guys message me quite often asking how I  create the perfect line (although it's not perfect at all, ehhh) and what products I use. Your questions will be answered today, yikes!

Sometimes I tend to go for a super dramatic cat eye look (the one I'm showing you today is the 'settle look').
It's super easy and I'm literally done in a minute. I had to practise a lot, but remember - practise makes perfect.

The product that I've been using since 7th grade to create my cat eye look is the S-He Liquid Liner in Black.
It stays on all day, doesn't smudge and looks super matte! Oh, and plus - it's really inexpensive! 

June 15, 2014

| #AskRonnie pt.2 (Twitter Edition) | Fashion, Favorite Things & More! |

I'm quite late with this post, since I should've done it a long time ago! I'm not sure if you remember (but if you follow me blog, you should, haha), but I did a Q&A type of post a few weeks ago. The questions I answered were mostly from my blog, so this time I took my time, checked my twitter mentions and decided to answer your questions!

I'm also back with my English posts, as you can tell. As always, the Slovak translation will be above the comment section.

What are 5 things you cannot live without (not family, friends and stuff, only random things)?
- First of all, it has to be a cup of coffee, all of my Peter Pan collar tops (yikes!), a good brow pencil (which in my case is the Lancôme one), my iPod and last but not least - Instagram!

If you could only wear one eye-look for the rest of your life, how would it look like and what products would you use?
- I really love this question!!! I'd start off with a vintage pink shade from my Dior Palette, then I would go on with a soft transition color (maybe Tease from Urban Decay?), and added a hint of black (Urban Decay's Blackout). I'd also wear a cat eye and a mascara!

Do you swear?
I don't. Only when I'm either way too excited or super nervous!

What is the last movie you've seen?
It was actually Brave! I didn't really like it, though. Shame on me!

June 13, 2014

| Review: BeAngel Brushes |

Krásny piatok vám želám, jahôdky!
Ďalší týždeň je preč, ten čas letí, však? Hneď tu máte prázdniny. Dúfam, že countdown už máte nastavený, haha!

Dnes k vám prichádzam s ďalším článkom v spolupráci so stránkou beangel.sk
Ak túto stránku nepoznáte, v rýchlosti vám o nej poviem toľko, že ponúka úžasný výber šiat, kabeliek, plaviek a mnoho ďalšieho. Kamarátka si od nich už viackrát objednala šaty a bola s nimi naozaj spokojná a ja vám môžem zaručiť, že jej sedeli perfektne. 

Ako môžete vidieť, na testovanie som od nich obdržala túto sadu štetcov.
Rada by som vás upozornila na to, že moje názory budú úprimné a pravdivé, nehľadiac na to, že ide o spoluprácu.
Môžem vás uistiť, že ak vám niečo odporučím, bude to preto, lebo sa mi ten produkt naozaj páči a stojí za to.

June 10, 2014

| Summer Must-Haves & Tips |

Ahojte koláčiky.
 Len tak som si hovorila, že predčím sa oficiálne roztopím, by som mala napísať ešte jeden článok.
Leto udrelo vo veľkom, takže je asi čas vám ukázať goodies, pre ktoré siaham v lete najčastejšie. 

Samozrejme, že cez toto obdobie zvyčajne nenosím toľko makeupu ako cez iné obdobia. Väčšinou stavím na minimum makeupu (ak vôbec pre nejaký), výrazné obočie (o tom neskôr), letný očný makeup a nejaký funky rúž... na líčka tiež nezabúdam.

Ešte prečím úplne skočím do písania, určite ste si zase všimli že hlavný text je v slovenčine. To je preto, lebo som lenivá robiť preklad (to je jedno ktorý) a pri slovenskom texte je to viac-menej jedno, či ho mám alebo nie, keďže si myslím že slovenských/českých čitateľov mám viac ako tých zahraničných. 
Určite ten anglický dorobím, akonáhle budem mať čas - potom o nájdete v celom článku, ako vždy.

Čiže ako som spomínala vyššie, v lete sa snažím používať čo najmenej makeupu. Pleť mám vždy čistú, bez vyrážok, akurát je mastná, čo ma ale netrápi.
Ak siaham po makeupe, určite volím Fit Me od Maybelline. Dodá pleti ten krásny svieži letný look a vôbec ani necítite, že ho na pleti máte. Zvykávam si dávať pár bodiek pod okolie očí, na líčka, bradu a čelo. Potom ho len jemne rozotriem so štetcom a je to.

Keď príde teplé počasie, vždy hľadám vo svojej kolekcii svetlejšie, resp. veselšie laky na nechty. Možno už zo zvyku, neviem, ale do ruky sa mi takmer stále dostane tento od Essie v odtieni To Buy or Not To Buy. Na fotke to vyzerá, že ide o belasú, resp. mint farbu, no na nechtoch to vyzerá slabo fialovo. Ak máte prístup k Essie lakom, vrelo vám ich odporúčam, pretože naozaj stoja za to.

Tiež som vám spomínala aj obočie. Ach, obočie. Všetci vieme, že teraz letí plné, resp. hustejšie obočie a'la Cara Delevingne. Úprimne vám poviem, že ak ste si obočie ešte nikdy netrhali a chystáte sa ku kozmetičke, povedzte jej, aby vám obočie len doupravila! Nestavte na tenké obočie, budete to ľutovať! Ak zase máte pekný tvar obočia od prírody... v tom prípade vám závidím!

June 8, 2014

| Random facts you probably didn't know about me... |

Príjemné nedeľné popoludnie vám prajem, dámy.
 Opäť k vám prichádzam so slovenským článkom, anglický preklad bude snád čo najskôr (tentoraz ho nájdete tam, kde zvykáva byť ten slovenský).

Už dobrých pár minút rozmýšľam nad tým, ako sformulovať intro k článku, ehh. Keď ho píšem po anglicky, zvyčajne je hotový za 2-3 minútky, potom už len dopísať zvyšok a rýchlo to celé preložiť. No teraz slovíčka vôbec neprichádzajú.
Ako ste si mohli všimnúť podľa nadpisu, dnešný post bude viac-menej patriť do kategórie ktorú ja nazývam chitty-chatty.

Rada by som sa s vami podelila o pár úplne random faktov, samozrejme o sebe. Nebude to ten typ článku, ktorý sa bude začínať s tým, kedy a kde som sa narodila, koľko mám súrodencov, koľko meriam a vážim, blah blah blah... No veď uvidíte sami.

Presný počet nemám stanovený, v hlave držím menšiu kôpku nápadov/faktov, tie ostatné ma napadnú neskôr.

•   keď som bola malá, mala som imaginárneho kamaráta. Volal sa Bob, mal približne 7 rokov a "objavoval sa" len počas letných prázdnin (predpokladám, že počas školského roka sa musel učiť)

   ešte stále ostanem pri období, keď som mala približne 11-12 rokov - toto bolo obdobie keď som mala krátke vlasy a úplne som to neznášala. Jedného dňa som povedala mamine, že ma už nikdy nedá ostrihať, pretože chcem dlhé vlasy. V medzičase ma napadlo, že by som si dlhé vlasy mohla predstierať  a potom prišiel rad aj na to, že som si zapisovala kedy mám ako vlasy (aby ste ma chápali, tie zápisy vyzerali asi takto - 11.00 - 12.00 vrkoč; 12.00 - 15.00 rozpustené vlasy ...). Dodnes sa na tomto smejem.

•   ak som práve niekde vonku a fúka hrozne silný vietor a ešte k tomu aj prší, vždy ma rozosmeje, ako ľudia zápasia so svojím dáždnikom. Potom sa prichytím, ako sa na nich nahlas smejem a dojde mi, že vyzerám rovnako ako oni... len v šialenej verzii.

•   pred pár rokmi som zvykávala písať rôzne stories. Jedna z nich mala už vyše 200 strán (boli písané rukou), no stratila som ju. Niektoré som zase zvykávala posielať svojmu bývalému učiteľovi (učil nás slovenčinu, pozravujem ho!), ktorý ich zbožňoval čítať.

•   ak vidím nejakú staršiu pani, ktorá ledva chodí ale vláči so sebou kopu tašiek s nákupmi, vždy vo mne vzbudí obdiv. Párkrát som takýmto dámam pomohla, vždy som z toho mala dobrý pocit. Spomínala som, že celkovo milujem starších ľudí? Zbožňujem počúvať ich príbehy alebo s nimi len tak prehodiť pár slov.

June 7, 2014

| First Impression: Sleek MakeUp Blush By 3 |

Hello butterflies! I hope you're enjoying your weekend! It's suuuper hot outside, right? I'm literally melting, haha!

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I purchased a blush from Sleek! Mine is in the shade Lace which consists of peachy/pinky shades.
Many people talk about Sleek blushes in general. They say that they are super pigmented and long lasting. 

That's why I decided to share with you a first impression kind of post! This won't be a review (well, it sort of will, but whatever). 
I'll just basically share with you my thoughts!

Let's start off with the packaging - the product comes in a cute box, of course. It also has the shiny Sleek writing on it, the rest of the product is matte.  
When you open it up, there's a huge mirror which comes in handy. 

The first color is in the shade Crochet is quite similar to Sleek's single blush Life's a Peach. As the shade says, it's a peachy color. Super pigmented and it looks great on your cheeks!

The middle shade is called Guipure. This blush can be used for so many things! It looks great as an eyeshadow (you have to try it!), and since it's shimmery, you can also use it as a highlighter! Oh my, it gives you that dewy finish!
This shade is also similar to Sleek's Rose Gold and Nars' Orgasm.

The last shade in this palette is called Chantilly, which is the perfect pink for the summer time (although it doesn't look like a pink shade at all, ehh).

Every single shade in this palette is so pigmented, guys! I need to be careful not to dab my brush too much on it & I also need to blend it properly.
For the amount of blush in this palette, the price is super affordable. 

I did some research and found out, that the product should last up to 6-8 hours, depending on your skin type.
A little bit of the blush goes a long way, so I'm sure this palette will last me forever!

I definitely want to purchase their Sahara, Pink Lemonade and Flamingo blushes!

What about you - have you tried anything from Sleek? Leave thoughts below.


June 6, 2014

| DIY Lipstick Holder |

Hello ladies! It's been a while, huh? I know... But I made it and I'm back again with bunch of exciting posts! I finally graduated from high school - and I still just cannot believe it! Four amazing years full of new opportunities, moment and adventures. I hope that the best summer of my life is waiting for me and then - university life! A whole new chapter of my life is opening. That's why you should enjoy every second of your life. You're not gonna be a little child forever, you'll eventually grow up (and you won't even realise it, trust me). When it comes to me, I never want to grow old. I truly want to stay a kid forever. Because nothing feels more amazing than a kid with no problems and issues holding his/her mom's hand. So make sure to call me "kid", haha!

Now on to the post itself! As the title says, I'm about to share with you another step-by-step tutorial! I'm super excited for this one because it's sooo easy! You'll only need some cool prints, a pair of scissors, a tape and some cans or boxes... and of course, your favorite goodies! You don't need to use it only for your lipsticks. This can be used for so many things! As you can tell, I decided to use it for my most used lippies.

Start off by measuring how much of the print is needed and cut that part off. Then use a tape and hide the edges so they are not visible. Secure those edges with a tape and that's literally it! Now the only thing you need to do is put in there your favorite beauty goodies! It was easy, wasn't it? I really hope it was also useful, haha! I also want to thank you that you were visiting my blog even when I wasn't active! This means a lot to me, ladies! I'll see you very soon. Ronnie