August 22, 2013

Mini Haul: Victoria's Secret, China Glaze & Gate

Hello cupcakes! I purchased a few goodies (again) and I totally want to share them with you guys. 
I absolutely recommend every single piece I'm about to show you! They might be a little bit pricey for some of you, but you need to at least try them! 

I have some more random (beauty, lifestyle & haul) posts for you and when the school starts, you'll be able to see many outfits around here! I'm not saying this blog will be literally a fashion blog, but there will be definitely less random posts (I'll try to keep the beauty ones). But now on to the haul...

So the first thing that I purchased (and I'm so glad I did!) is this body butter from Victoria's Secret. I remember when I friend of mine told me to try out the hand butter - OMG you guys, I was literally speechless! And this is even better! The scent of it is really strong and my skin is soft like never before! Order it HERE

Then I also ordered some China Glaze nail polishes and those kaviar pearls. 

The first nails polish is in the shade Hybrid. It's not pastel but it's not shimmery either, it's something in between. I really adore nude colors so this was an ultimate pick of mine...

Then we have this vintage pink nail polish in the shade Emotion. Since it was vintage, I had to get it, obviously, haha! 

I've never tried that kaviar manicure, but I can't wait to try this thingy out! The pearls are soft pink, yay!

Order HERE.

Last but not least we have another crop top - I feel like I'm full of crop tops but summer is almost gone (haha). I still believe I can wear those this year though. 
My mom got this one for me. She sad if I don't like it, I can just sleep in it and wear it like pajamas, lol. Good job, mom! 

That would be it for today, I hope you liked this post. 
xoxo, R

Ahojte zlatíčka! Zase som si nakúpila pár dobrôt a chcem sa s vami o ne podeliť! Určite vám odporúčam každú jednu vecičku ktorú vám ukážem. Pre niekoho môžu byť troška drahé (nie každy by dal za lak na nechty skoro 9$, no nie?), ale určite ich musíte aspoň skúsiť!
Mám pre vás nachystaných pár random príspevkov ale keď začne škola, určite tu uvidíte viac menej len outfity. Nehovodím že blog bude doslova len fashion, určite tu bude menej random-ností (tých beauty sa budem snažiť držať).

Prvá vec ktorú som si zaobstarala (a som rada že som tak urobila) je toto telové maslo od Victoria's Secret. Pamätám sa keď moja priateľka mi povedala aby som vyskúšala telové maslo na ruky, ó bože, nachvíľku som stratila reč. A toto je ešte lepšie! Má to silnú vôňu a moja pokožka je úplne jemná! Objednávajte si TU.

Potom som si objednala nejaké China Glaze laky na nechty a kaviárové perličky.
Prvý lak je v odtieni Hybrid a nie je to ani pastelová farba ale ani trblietavá hnedá, je to niečo medzi tým. Zbožňujem nude farby takže toto bol istý výber.
Tiež som si objednala tento staroružový lak v odtieni Emotion. Kedže je to vintage, musela som si to zaobstarať, ako vždy.
Kaviárovú manikúru som nikdy neskúšala, takže sa teším až sa tak stane. Perličky majú slaboružovú farbu, yay!
Objednávajte TU.

A v neposlednom rade tu máme ďalší crop top - začínam mať pocit že mám plno crop topov ale pritom leto sa pomaly končí. Ale stále dúfam že ich ešte vynosím (september býva ešte teplý). Mamka mi kúpila tento, povedala že ak sa mi nepačí tak v ňom môžem spať a využívať to ako pyžamo, haha! Dobrá práca, mami!

To je všetko na dnes, dúfam že sa vám post páčil. 
xoxo, R


  1. Great picks! That crop top is adorable. Pair it with a cute black maxi or leather mini skirt and it would be to die for!I have nominated you for the liebster award for new bloggers!
    Visit my blog and check out my lastest post to learn all about it <3
    Your blog is so cute!

    Best Wishes,

    1. Haha, that was the plan! Thank you so much :) xo

  2. Replies
    1. I love that vintage pink one! Thank you for your comment :) xo

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