July 12, 2013

Things I would never purchase again!

Hey birdies! 
Today  have another new-ish post for all of you! I never meant to do a post like this, since I always try to pick the best makeup goodies for myself. Well, sometimes I pick the wrong ones - and today's post is all about bad choices.
I want to share with you some things I personally don't like and I would never ever buy them again! I've already tried to like them (and sometimes I'm still trying) but...well.

I also wanted to mention, the fact that I don't like them doesn't have to be the same for you. Maybe these things would be perfect for you! 

The first things I want to mention today is this Catrice eyeshadow palette. I personally like this brand, they have amazing deals and stuff, but I was quite sad when I realised, that these colors are really not pigmented! On the picture I applied an eyeshadow base underneath them, but they are just still not as much pigmented as my other eyeshadows. The first two colors are quite okay, but the rest is just a nightmare.

Essence nails polishes are well-known for their quality. Let's face it - the colors are beautiful but when it comes to quality, they suck! I have only these two colors from this collection and I'm sure I won't purchase any more. Some of them are really pretty so it kinda hurts my feelings, haha! On the other hand, Rimmel nail polishes are just amazing!

 I don't know what I was looking for when I ordered this 'stick' thing from ELF, but I was probably drunk, haha! (I'm just kidding, of course). This thing can be used as a lipstick as well as a blush, but it feels really dry are it doesn't smell good at all. 

I'm a huge lipstick person, but this one was a really bad choice. You can't even see that I'm wearing a lipstick! It smells good and everything, but if you can see it, it's not worth it. I also tried to layer it, but it didn't help. Well, sorry honey. The lipstick is from Miss Sporty, by the way.

This thing is the worst of all things I mentioned so far - from NYC! It supposed to be a concealer (at least I think so). It's way too creamy, it leaves your face cakey and it doesn't look natural! I definitely hate this!

Last but not least we have a body lotion from KAPPA which was a gift. I used it a few times but I end up not liking it. I feel like it's too watery, which sucks since it dries out your skin. I gave it to mom, she seems to like it more than I do. 

I hope you liked this post. Happy weekend, everyone!
xoxo, R


  1. Dúfam že to nevadí že to bude po slovensky :D Ale moja angličtina je fakt na bode mrazu :D Inak ten rúž od Miss sporty mám jeden fakt pekná farba ... No mne neskutočne vysušuje pery a stačí že sú pery trošku popraskané a už je všetko vidieť ...Inak od essence mám tiež jeden lak a tiež kvalita veľmi zlá ... :)

    1. Oh, jasneže to nebude vadiť, som rada že si sem tiež hodila svoje myšlienky :) ja s ním mám tiež taký istý problém, farba je pekná, akurať neviditeľná na perách a vysušuje ich, presne ako si napísala. Essence má krásne laky, tie farby sú neopísateľne pekné, ale tá kvalita je bohužial hrôzostrašná. Veľká škoda, no čo už :) xo

    2. Tak tak :) Na výber krásne farby no kvalita sklame ... Ja som bola z neho maximálne sklamaná. Tak som ho použila na nechty na nohách a keď sme šli na kúpalisko on mi celý začal miznúť. Mám pocit že Laky od NYC majú väčšiu kvalitu a cena tá istá :) ... Ten rúž :/ A ja som si kúpila takú peknú Barbie rúžovú farbu a je to veľká škoda, že ho vôbec nemôžem používať.

    3. Ja som nemala ešte ani jeden lak od NYC ale už dávno chcem nejaký vyskúšať. Určite sú lepšie ako laky od Essence, on nich nič horšie už podľa mňa neexistuje ;)
      Ak je farba naozaj taká pekná, tak skús ho aplikovať nad nejaký poriadne mastný balzam. Nieže to krajsie ukáže, ale dokonca by sa nemal
      ani vpíjať do pier :)

    4. Odporúčam ti vyskúšať lak od NYC ... Možno to nevydrží týždeň alebo niečo tak ale tak 3 dni určite keď stále máš prsty vo vode :D ... Všetky laky sú lepšie ako Essence. Keď tie laky mali tie staré fľaštičky a boli menšie tak tie laky mám doma asi 3 a boli úžasné... Nové obaly a výrobky stoja za prd ... Podobne ako jeden púder čo som mala od Miss sporty ... perfektne zmatňoval akurát odtieň bol taký dobrý na leto a ja som ho rozbila -_- a teraz od kedy majú nový obal tie púdre ... To je úplne orandžové ...
      Určite vyskúšam :) ... Neviem či iba mne tak pekne vonia ten rúž ale úplne cítim z neho melón :D :D

    5. Tie si aj plánujem vyskúšať, dúfam, že sa mi budú páčiť :) Lebo farby majú velmi pekne :) xo

  2. Skvelý článok,skvelý blog aj skvelá angličtina :) neviem prečo som ťa neobjavila skôr ale ako sa hovorí- radšej neskôr ako nikdy :)

    1. Dakujem ti velmi pekne, takéto komentáre pre mňa vždy znamenajú velmi vela! :)
