June 6, 2013

Quick DIY: Goodies Holder

Hello lovelies! Oh well, I'm back - studying hard, again... I actually quite loved my part time job (practice). Oh well, all things come to an end, so does school (very soon). 
Since I'm here to bring you beauty related posts, I thought I could finally share a DIY project with you! 
I love to keep my most favorite beauty things away from other things that I use. I always have a ultimate favorite lipstick so I don't keep it in the same storage thing with my other lipstick because I have no access to it.
That's why I came up with this easy DIY! Today I'll show you how to make your own beauty holder!
You can use it for anything you want - lipsticks, nail polishes, rings, mascaras, powders... it's up to you.

You'll need: scissors, a tape or glue, cotton or a decorating/brown paper (whatever you want to decorate your holder with), a box (I highly recommend using a perfume box) and your favorite beauty goodies.

So let's start off with the box. This is just an illustration on how to create this. First of all, you need to cut off the upper part of the box so you have space for your goodies. Make sure it's not a 'whatever' work, definitely take your time with it.

After you're done and in case you're using a perfume box, you need to tape the sides together. Use bigger tapes so it will not fall apart.

If you're done with that too, take your decorating paper or your cotton if you're going for a cute look and cover the 4 sides of the box with it. Make sure to cover the edges as well so there are no harsh lines.

Add more decorations if you want to make it more glamorous! And that's it! You're done and you can now use your beauty holder! 

I hope you liked this post. Thanks for the support.
xoxo, R.


  1. Omg I love it ! *_* Perfect DIY :)

  2. Love this idea :) I want to ask, when you will post new video?
